A Lot of Customers ask us How many days it will take to Install a Solid Fuel Stove in their Home, after Ordering.
The Answer is Normally a Lead Time of 10 Days ( Sometimes quicker if we have Installation Capacity) Then One Day for the Install. Please see below Pictures of a Recent Installation that Keith ( our Installer for the Southport Showroom) did in One Day.
To Say the Customer was beyond Pleased is an Understatement !
She was able to Paint the Wall that evening, That is how Well Finished the Installation was left in.

So Don’t think it will be a Major Upheaval to have a Stove Installed. We are Specialists in this Field and have some Great Offers instore, So Pop in to see us at Either our Anfield, Liverpool Store , or Our Southport Designer showroom.
Open 7 Days a week 9am to 5pm, Sunday & Bank Holidays 11am to 4pm